
inton School of Public Service, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock School of Public Affairs, and the Arkansas Community Foundation, surveyed 316 nonprofit organizations that collectively serve all 75 counties in Arkansas and cover a range of program areas. The report showed that 82% of the organizations surveyed showed having complete program cancellations, and 40% were not confident they would achieve their budgeted revenue. It also showed that 64% had experienced revenue loss as a result of event or program cancellations, and the same proportion had experienced a decline in individual donations.
"Nonprofits are in the middle of a perfect storm right now," said Sarah Kinser, chief program officer for the Arkansas Community Foundation. "So on the one hand, they've had to cancel a lot of their major fundraiser events and other activities that can generate revenue, and at the same time, donors are having to reevaluate their personal budgets."
This is the story for the majority of nonprofits but this is not our story. Due to our amazing donors, staff, and board members, we have seen growth in funding from 2019. We want to thank all of your for your sacrificial giving in this unique time.
Here is a note we received from one of our clients and residents. "I just wanted to say to all the staff at Phoenix, Returning Home, TCIY and Goodwill, thank you. I've only been here for a short while but not only do see what this organizations mission is I feel it. To be honest I really only seen this place as an address. A place to parole to because I had no real parole plan. A way to get out of prison. It been much more than that. This is an opportunity for me to gain my self-worth. To be a productive part of society again. I know that with the tools
you offer here I will be able to keep a positive mindset and overcome any obstacle that is going to come my way. Without a doubt I will stumble, but through hard and a steadfast attitude I will not fall. Seeing all the effort
and hard work that you guys put in for us only makes me want to match it and go further to become a better me. Allen" We commend Allen for the hard work he is putting in. Life change is one decision at a time. This time of Covid has forced isolation on our clients. For people struggling with mental health, trauma, and addiction this is really difficult. As staff we continue to teach healthy ways to process and overcome. It is easy to do well when life is
going well. It is really difficult to make the right decisions when life if feeling anything but right.
As we look to finish the year strong, we have a target of raising $54,000 over the next three months. Please prayerfully consider giving towards this goal. This money helps provide casework, hygiene, food, clothing and so much more for the men. Today alone, we purchased one client an I.D. and another a Birth certificate. That money opened the door for each of the men to start work which leads to them becoming self-sustaining. Our focus isn't how well they will do while they are at the Returning Home Center but instead our focus is on how they will do for the rest of their life. From the clients, staff, and board of Returning Home, we thank you for investing in this program that helps Repair Lives and Restores Families.