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Our Goal & Vision

Help Our Prison Ministry

Our Services

Community Alternative Program (CAP) offered by Returning Home, Inc. This is a male transitional living program for individuals facing incarceration due to new charges and supervision infractions. The program provides safe and sober housing, food security,
hygiene kits, clothing, case management, mental health counseling, employment preparedness, financial education, medication management, addiction support, and recovery connection. The program is designed to reduce recidivism and help clients become self-sufficient and stable members of the community. 

How does someone get into the program?

CAP is for men in Washington County Jail sentencing alternative for those with nonviolent nonsexual offenses. The client is sentenced to us for four months. To see if someone qualifies, we must receive a referral from the attorney, the prosecutor must approve, and then our staff will set up a compatibility interview and place the client into our Washington County Jail CAP class. A determination will be made after that by our staff and sent to their attorney.

Community Alternative Program Referral Link
The Community Alternative Program (CAP) referral link is designed specifically for partnering agencies—such as Washington and Madison County supervision officers and attorneys—to refer clients for program consideration.
By submitting a referral, clients will be added to our interview list. Once a determination has been made, CAP staff will follow up with a formal response.


Returning Home Center

Location Closed

After careful consideration, we have made the difficult decision to close our offices at the Returning Home Center in Springdale. Since opening in 2016, we have been incredibly grateful for the opportunity to serve our community at this location. Phoenix Recovery and TCIY will remain at this location and serve men being released from prison.

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Our Mission

Repairing lives and restoring families of Northwest Arkansas citizens who are imprisoned or who have been released. 


Our goal is to increase access to the foundational needs of men and women coming from incarceration in Northwest Arkansas. Each of these items is key to a successful life but is limited to those with a criminal record. We come alongside our clients to connect those in need to the services that will help them successfully transition back into society. Our focus is on stable housing, eliminating food insecurities, improving access to employment and increasing job retention, assisting in acquiring personal identification, increasing access to mental and physical wellness services, and reducing substance abuse dependencies.  

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Uniting with others in Christian love to meet the needs of imprisoned and returning men and women in Northwest Arkansas.



Improving the quality of life in Northwest Arkansas by helping break the cycle of imprisonment.

Get Involved

Whether you want to donate time, resources or services, we'd love to hear from you. Returning Home relies on the support of our local community.

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Help Us

If you'd like to partner with us to help support our goal of repairing lives and restoring families, let us know what services or items you can provide and we will get in contact with you.

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Support Our Cause

Returning Home is a donor-driven ministry. A non-profit 501C3 that relies on donations from individuals and organizations to provide services for the men and women in Northwest Arkansas.

Donate online by clicking the donate button or mail a check to Returning Home at:  P.O. Box 188, Springdale AR 72765

Support Our Cause Option #2

We have a number of continual needs to directly support our clients and their desire to change their lives. The button below will take you to our nonprofit registry. On it are items like socks, underwear, toilet paper, and more. Once you purchase these items they are directly shipped to the Returning Home Center for our clients. What better stewardship than knowing exactly where your money is going. Please take the time to check out our items of need. Thanks. 


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Nick Robbins

Chief Executive Officer

Since 2008, his work in the area of prison ministry includes Reentry positions with both Prison Fellowship and Pathway to Freedom. He is a Charles Colson Scholarship recipient from Wheaton College and a graduate of the School for Correctional Ministries Reentry Leadership Credential Program.

In his current role, he oversees Returning Home a Pre- Adjudication and Reentry-focused community organization in Springdale Arkansas.


A former Executive Board Member of the Correctional Ministry and Chaplains Association, a Civic Board Member of the Northwest Arkansas Community Correction Center in Fayetteville, an Advisory Board Member of the Institute of Prison Ministry, and a chair of the Washington County Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee.


Public Speaking: civic groups, churches, public discussion panel speaker, college, high schools, Warden Exchange Program. He married Kelly in 2008 and they have two boys Alex and Andrew.



Security Director

You can feel safe knowing this 14 pound Coton De Tulear is on the job at the Returning Home.


Brenda Stringfellow

CAP Program Director

Brenda facilitates and oversees the Community Alternative Program.


Christine Coleman

CRI Program Manager

Christine is tasked with overseeing and facilitating programming at the Community Rebuilding Initiative in Fayetteville. 


Dwayne Thompson

CAP House Manager

Dwayne is responsible for a variety of tasks to ensure the smooth operation of the facility.


Arrin Waits

CAP House Manager

Arrin oversees all weekend functions of CAP.


Cody Scott

Residential Care Staff

Maintains case managment and transportation duties.

Board of Directors

Our Newsletter

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